Manvendra Singh Kushwah

Palpur Colony Dank Bungalow Road Sabalgarh Morena M.P. 476229.

I am a student currently pursuing my B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur. I love to code and enjoy solving problems on websites like SPOJ, Codechef, Codeforces, HackerRank etc. as well as solving real world problems using my skills and technical knowledge.


Mobile Computing Paradigm

B.Tech Project (Guide: Dr. Subhajit Sidhanta)

We as a group of 2 students performed benchmarking of android applications with java JDK and Android studio and derived some sequence of results that what kind of database is better as query type and size changes.

Jan 2018 - May 2018

Sports Equipment Management System

Software Engineering Project

This software system is designed to increase the efficiency and performance of the administration for proper allocation and management of the hostel sports equipment. This software can be used by any institute to manage the hostel sports equipment..

Jan 2017


Indian Institute of Technlogy Jodhpur, Rajasthan

Computer Science Engineering

CGPA: 7.00

July 2016 - Present

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Pune

Senior Secondary
Science Maths

Percentage: 87%

July 2014 - March 2016


Programming Languages & Tools


Apart from being a competitive programmer, I enjoy most of my time being with my friends. I enjoy playing many sports such as Volleyball,cricket & Badminton.